RoboTwin successfully tested RoboTeach for grinding in COLORprofi Industry, spol. s.r.o.

Aplikace robotického broušení COLORprofi Industry
COLORprofi is a family company with thirty years of experience in the field of painting and injection moulding. They are a part of the automotive, rail and aerospace industry. The longest tradition has manual painting. Newer and more modern is robotic painting which they use for surface treatment of plastic parts in automotive industry.
RoboTeach for grinding was tested in the production of COLORprofi Industry, spol. s.r.o. for half a year. The result of our test can be seen the in the attached video below.
We tested a product with a size of 1.4 x 1.07 m. The length of the generated program was 10 min. We used FANUC M-710iC 45M robot with Sanding Body Filler technology and eccentric sander tool by Mirka® AIROS 650CV.

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Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory programu Technologická inkubace.