GALATEK together with RoboTwin is able to program robots 66% faster than with the traditional way of programming
- Success Stories
- 19 Nov 2024
GALATEK, a.s. is a robot integrator from the Czech Republic (Ledeč n. Sázavou). They offer services related to the technologies and equipment necessary for surface treatment work as well as those required for safeguarding the environment.
RoboTwin has been working with GALATEK for quite a long time already. In the beginning GALATEK offered their know-how, technical facilities and experience and now they say that the cooperation pays off. RoboTwin was thanks to GALATEK able to develop the robot programming technology for painting.
For robot programmers, RoboTeach and RoboTwin devices mean a lot of improvements. One of them is faster programming. According to GALATEK, RoboTwin’s device saves a lot of time and helps generating robot programs up to 66% faster compared to the time without the device. All thanks to the simplified process: Demonstrate, Generate, Automate.
Find out more about our collaboration in this video>>.
Jan Drápela
Sales Director in GALATEK a. s.
"In the beginning, we provided our know-how, technical resources and experience. The cooperation with RoboTwin pays off. Together with RoboTwin's device, we are able to generate robot programs 66% faster."
Want to learn more about our fast robot programming?
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We are always ready to help you and answer your questions
- +420 728 916 167
- Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5
- IČO: 14091682, DIČ: CZ14091682
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Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory programu Technologická inkubace.