
Robot teaching for general tasks

Standalone teaching tool to automate any movement. RoboTwin tracks the motion, generates the trajectory and automates the process.

3 steps & 1 minute to automation



∴ Any Robot Programming
∴ Quality Control
∴ Painting
∴ Blasting
∴ Gluing

Why RoboTeach?

∴ Robotize from lot size one
∴ Increase line uptime
∴ Save time on robot programming
∴ No CAD needed
∴ Easy in-house robot teaching

Technical details

∴ 6 DoF motion recording
∴ Trajectories & points recording
∴ Laser pointer and action button
∴ Interfaces to major robot OEMs
∴ No setup needed, plug&play
∴ Intelligent trajectory postprocessing and optimization

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Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory programu Technologická inkubace.