Robot teaching for spray painting
RoboTwin tracks the motion, generates the trajectory and automates the process.
3 steps & 1 minute to robotic painting
∴ Powder Painting
∴ Wet Painting
Why RoboTwin?
∴ Painters become robot teachers
∴ Increase production flexibility
∴ No programmer needed
∴ Digitize painters‘ knowhow
∴ Robotize from lot size one
Technical details
∴ 6 DoF motion recording & detection of spraying
∴ Fixture onto a spray-painting gun
∴ Patent pending
∴ Interfaces to major robot OEMs
∴ No setup needed, plug&play
∴ Intelligent trajectory postprocessing and optimization
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Contact us
We are always ready to help you and answer your questions
- +420 728 916 167
- Radlická 333/150, 150 57 Praha 5
- IČO: 14091682, DIČ: CZ14091682
Supported by
Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory programu Technologická inkubace.